We carry out studies and projects on demand, with solutions to economic, financial and regulatory issues related to infrastructure.

We operate in Concessions and Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in the sanitation, transport, energy, telecommunications and urban equipment sectors, among others. Our work involves:

  • Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA);
  • Regulatory Performance Assessment (RPA);
  • Support for Expression of Interest Procedures (EOI);
  • Demand and potential market projections;
  • Structuring of business plans and valuation;
  • Economic and financial feasibility studies;
  • Elaboration and analysis of risk matrices;
  • Periodic review of tariffs;
  • Preparation of legal opinions, reports and technical notes;
  • Economic and financial rebalancing of contracts;
  • Technical support in administrative, arbitral and judicial proceedings;
  • Technical assistance in financial examinations.

Concessions and PPPs

We have considerable legal expertise in the area, with more than two decades of hands-on experience in the development of studies and solutions to economic, financial and regulatory issues, in the following areas:

  • Highways infrastructure;
  • Railways infrastructure;
  • Ports infrastructure;
  • Airports;
  • Urban mobility;
  • Power generation, transmission and distribution;
  • Water supply and sanitary sewage;
  • Urban cleaning and waste management;
  • Parks;
  • Urban spaces and equipment.

Socio Economic impact studies

We perform economic analysis using general balance models (including the Input-Output Matrix), which allow us to assess the impact of projects and standards on the economy and the well-being of society.

Project structuring

We carry out feasibility studies, as well as economic and social impact studies and various corporate finance activities for the implementation of business opportunities or fundraising.

We support investment and financing strategies, optimal capital structure, as well as ESG integration to financial analysis and structuring of corporate operations.

Economic and financial technical feasibility studies (EVTE)

We carry out studies for projects, including investments to be made, implementation budget (CAPEX), markets to be served, sources of revenue and operating costs (OPEX), as well as the taxation structure, in addition to socioeconomic benefits provided by the project. The result is a business plan and EVTE.

  • Part of our studies are:
  • Macroeconomic and sectoral analysis;
  • Demand study;
  • Partnerships with specialized consulting companies.

Demand projections

We elaborate projections as part of the economic and financial feasibility studies of concessions, PPPs and new enterprises, in addition to those for regulatory purposes and for the planning of companies during the operation.

We also provide services to distributors of energy, highway concessionaires, among other concessionaires.

How can we help you? Contact us by phone or send us an e-mail.