Diretor-presidente e membro do Conselho Deliberativo da Tendências, é doutor em Economia pela EPGE-FGV, foi presidente do Banco Central por duas vezes. Foi escolhido “Economista do Ano” em 2014, pela Ordem dos Economistas do Brasil.


Sócio fundador da Tendências, é economista, foi ministro da Fazenda, presidiu o Conselho Monetário e o Confaz e integrou os boards do FMI, do Banco Mundial e do BID. Foi eleito “Economista do Ano” de 2013 pela Ordem dos Economistas do Brasil e escreveu seis livros.



CEO and member of the Deliberative Council of Tendências, he holds a PhD in Economics from EPGE-FGV. He served as president of the Brazilian Central Bank on two occasions. He was chosen "Economist of the Year" in 2014 by the Brazilian Order of Economists.


Founding partner of Tendências, he is an economist former Finance Minister, former chairman of the Monetary Council and Confaz, and former board member of the IMF, the World Bank and the IDB. He was elected "Economist of the Year" in 2013 by the Brazilian Order of Economists. He is the author of six books.


Founding partner and member of the Tendências Deliberative Councit, he is a financial market executive. He was president of ANORO. He dedicated himself to regulating and developing the gold and exchange rate markets, including futures market.


Founding partner, director and member of the Deliberative Cound of Tendências, he leads the Studies, Projects and Opinions team. He has a degree in Economics from the University of Sao Paulo (FEA/USP) and a Master's degree from the same institution. He has over 30 years of experience in economic consulting.


Partner and director of Macroeconomics and Sectora Analysis at Tendências, she holds a Master's degree in Economics and Finance from Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV). She worked at Bovespa (B3) and is a counselor at the Regional Council of Economics (Corecon-SP), 2022-2024.


Founding partner and director of Institutional Relations at Tendências, she holds a postgraduate degree in Financial Sector Economics from Fipe-USP and a specialization in Administration tor Graduates from CEAG-FGV. She has worked as a researcher at Fipe and IESP.


Partner at Tendênc:ias, she is responsible for regional and income class scenario studies. She has a Bachelor's degree in Economics from the University of Sao Paulo (FEA/USP) a Master's degree in Economics from Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV).


Partner and politico scientist at Tendências, he holds a Doctorate and a Master's degree in Political Science from USP. He is a professor of the Master's in Law, Justice and Development at IDP-SP and a guest professor at FGV-SP.


Partner at Tendências, she holds a Doctorate in Economic Theory from FEA/USP, a Master's degree in Economics of Competition and Regulation from Universitat Pompeu Fabra and Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain). Recognized by Who's Who Legal Thought Leaders and member of the IBRAC board.


Partner and senior economistat Tendências, he is responsible for monetary policy, markets and international economics analysis. He has a Master's degree in Economics from FGV-SP and teaches Macroeconomics at Faculdades Oswaldo Cruz.


Partner at Tendências, he is responsible for market intelligence studies on supplies, and for the electric energy and oil, gas & derivatives sectors analysis. He has a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration from FGV-SP and a Master's degree in Economics from FEA-USP.

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Techinical Team Tendências Consultoria

Adriana Azevedo Hernandez Perez
Andre Ricardo Noborikawa Paiva
Bruno Stefano Rossini
Camila Chevegatto
Carla Rossi
Carolina Flávia Gusmão Ferreira
Diego Rodrigues Lucchesi
Fabio Lunardi Tieppo
Felipe Novaes Da Rocha
Felipe Yamamoto Ricardo Da Silva
Francisco Rondinele
Gabriel De Abreu Madeira
Gabriela Soares De Faria
Guilherme Venturini Floresti
Isabela Biscalchim Tavares
Leonardo Silverio Palhuca
Lucas Eduardo Carmo Assis
Luisa Rocha Portilho
Luiza Gil Nieto Paggianella Benamor
Marcelo Yukio Ono Mendes
Mariana Palandi Medeiros Pacheco
Mario Nazzari Westrup
Matheus Filipe Dos Santos Ferreira
Matheus Sergio Custodio De Aquino
Mauricio Palugan Junior
Melissa Borges
Mirela Virginia P Scarabel
Priscila Kneipp Babuy Wilhelm
Rodolfo Araujo De Oliveira
Thiago Cortez Xavier